International Dancesport Competition
"Edita Daniute Cup 2019"

19-20th of October 2019

Place: Pramonės g. 20, Prienai, Prienai Sport Arena

19th of October - saturday


Start at 10.30
Registration from 9.00 to 9.45

Beginners I E2 1 level (2009 y. and young.) (12)
Solo E4 (20)
Juvenile II E4 R (32)
Juvenile II D+C ST R (18)
Junior I D LA (21)
Junior I C LA R (19)
Junior II C LA (13)
Youth + Adult B LA (0)
WDSF Open Youth ST (till ½ final) (18)


Start at 14.00
Registration from 12.30 to 13.15

Beginners II E3 2 level (2008 y. and young.) (33)
Juvenile II E6 R (32)
Juvenile II D+C LA R (21)
Junior I D ST (19)
WDSF Open Junior I LA (till final) (15)
WDSF Open Junior II LA (till ½ final) (21)
WDSF Open Youth ST (½ F, final)


Start at 18.00
Registration from 16.30 to 17.15

Beginners III E4 3 level (2007 y. and young.) (23)
WDSF International Open ST (all rounds) (22)
WDSF Open Junior I LA (final)
WDSF Open Junior II LA (½ F, final)

20th of October - sunday


Start at 10.30
Registration from 9.00 to 9.45

Beginners IV E3 2 level (2009 y. and older) (9)
Solo LA Junior (4 dances) (14)
Juvenile I E4 (25)
Junior I E6 R (25)
Junior I C ST R (13)
Junior II D LA R (18)
Junior II C ST (9)
Youth + Adult D ST R (4)
Youth + Adult C ST (4)


Start at 14.00
Registration from 12.30 to 13.15

Solo E3 (11)
Juvenile I E6 + D (6)
Junior I E4 (16)
Junior II D ST R (18)
Youth + Adult D LA R (3)
Youth + Adult C LA (12)
Youth + Adult B ST R (8)
WDSF Open Junior I ST (till final) (14)
WDSF Open Junior II ST (till ½ final) (18)
WDSF Open Youth LA (till ½ final) (18)


Start at 18.00
Registration from 16.30 to 17.15

WDSF Open Junior I ST (final)
WDSF Open Junior II ST (½ F, final)
WDSF Open Youth LA (½ F, final)
WDSF International Open LA (14)
Senior III ST R (4)

You didn't choose your group!

Rules: age, dress regulations, licenses of participants according to WDSF and LDSF rules.
The program for dancers of E class, D class, beginners and solo groups is restricted (only basic figure) according LDSF rules. Beginners I may have no special clothing and start books.
Dances: E2 - W,Ch; E3 - W,Ch,J; E4 - W,Q,Ch,J; E6 – W,T,Q,Ch,R,J; D ST – W,T,VW,Q; D LA – S,Ch,R,J

Taisyklės: Varžybų dieną registracijos metu būtina pateikti LSŠF varžybų dalyvio knygutę su galiojančia 2024 metų licencija. Pirmamečių grupėse nebūtinos knygutės, licencijos bei specialūs drabužiai!

Awards: All beginner couples and solo beginners will be awarded with medals and prizes! All finalists are awarded with cups and prizes.

Entry fee per person per program:
beginners and solo - 10 €, other groups - 12 €, WDSF - 20 €.
Youth couples are invited to take part in the WDSF International Open ST/LA competitions without starting fee.

Spectator tickets:  I-II PARTS - 8 € per person; seat at the table – 10 €. III PART- 10 € per person, seat at the table - 15 €. Free entry for trainers and coaches.

Download: invitation to competition. Atsisiuntimui: kvietimas į varžybas.

Deadline: please register till 15th of October.

Information: +370 611 20590,,

Organizers: WDSF, LSŠF, "Edita Daniute dance studio”